
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Liam fixes everything


I was down in the dumps, a little angry, and very tired......went to see the big boy before work.

He changed everything


I'm so......

 Grateful he was brought into my life...
Happy there was a way to keep him...
Thankful for the chance to have a friendship with him...

And so ashamed of my selfishness. No longer in the dumps:)


Friday, November 2, 2012

19 hrs.....part 2

He makes it all ok
2:38 Arrive at warehouse and have super minor freak out.

2:45 suck it up enter the building..........Wait in lobby for my new manager to come get me. Got super annoyed by complete strangers (contemplate murder)

3:02 manager shows up, and takes the three new sheep to slaughter/orientation. SIGH

3:15 Wonder if it would be socially acceptable to offer to bring fellow new sheep some deodorant tomorrow (contemplate murder)

4:12 Wonder how many times I've signed my name on these papers (contemplates murder with a pen)

5pm sexual harassment video time YEAH. Wonder why the two men (in their early forties maybe)that were watching this film with me laughed. Were they getting pointers or was it because the film was clearly from the early 80's and the very nice lady with the double breasted blazer and bob haircut was in an office setting and not the kitchen???? oh well (contemplate murder with spatula)

5:30 BREAK TIME. sweet I rock at this. Go to loss prevention and get assigned a locker and combination lock. (do i know how to use a combination lock???? oh well how hard can it be) Lock phone and personal stuff and go on now 7 minute break.

6pm After tour, get placed with a gentlemen that seems to be around forty years old, and has no glimmer of life left in his eyes. (breathe)

6:15 It took all of one minute to realize that the guy I've been bound to, not only doesn't want me around, but doesn't like me at all. Don't worry dude I got it when you wouldn't shake my hand and by the look up and down. . . . And yes I'm a girl. Thanks for asking so rudely. (contemplate murder with my bare hands)

6:20 Wonder why this guy isn't showing me anything.........why am I with him? why isn't he answering any of my questions.........(contemplate horrific murder with handheld scanner)

7  sigh lunch......only four and a half more hours to go. You can do this Mary Anna. Go to locker.......ummmmm how does this combination lock work????

7:05 Envision going ballistic and cutting this combination lock off with a grinder while laughing manically with lightening is striking in the locker room. SIGH go to loss prevention and ask for help (sorry I took you away from the rump exercises you're mastering on your eight hour shift of sitting there)

7:12 After being schooled on how to use a combo lock (DERRRRRRRP) go outside to use cell phone.
 Hang up.
Walk inside to try and eat something before I run out of time.
Realize I have some anger problems.
 Take out phone to google psychiatric help........instead decide to harness my money making talent and google Hired Hitman job........
modify search to local area......
 sigh oh well it's probably for the best.
 Bookmark search....
OH CRAP I have to put my phone back in my does this lock work again??????

8:36 (contemplate murder of everybody within punching/choking distance) Tonight when I get home I'm designing and making a shirt that reads. YES I AM A GIRL. THAT'S WHY MY BADGE SAYS MARY. WHY I HAVE MAKEUP ON, AND WHY I HAVE TWO LUMPS ON MY CHEST

8:50ish  Realize somehow I've proven myself to my very disagreeable mentor. He's pleased with my work. sigh I'm glad I just watched closely and picked up really fast and didn't wait for instruction. YAY common sense 1 explanations 0

9:30 break time yay. Decide not to leave station because this warehouse is way too large to walk all the way to my locker just to spend what's left of my ten minute break trying to enter the mythical realm that is guarded by master. The fabled combo lock.

10:12  Sigh I'm really kick butt. I've accepted that I've been given all the crap pallets to break down and's all good I'm the new fish.....this isn't my first pond, i get it:)

11pm thirty minutes to go.......which is awesome because my legs are throbbing. It's all good though cause I'm rocking production numbers. YES score. (contemplate murdering jammed ticket machine)

11:30 BELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. eeeeeeeeeeeeee it's the best time of the day. run out to car (contemplating murdering everyone on the way out.......or at least giggling while knocking every last person out of my way)

MIDNIGHT apologize to roommate for the late hour at which she had to pick me up. Thank said roommate for not leaving me stranded......because I would've gone to jail.
 Email mom.
 Decide not to make the shirt after all.

1am  Contemplate writing part two of 19 hr blog and correcting it . . . it's been twenty hours. Decide against that idea because I need to repeat everything when my alarm goes off in five hours. Watch cartoons and fall asleep on loveseat.....DERP

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lessons while waiting....

As I wait for the car to get inspected......I can't help but wonder how tomorrow will go. New job, new people, new equipment.....
sigh. I need to take some pointers on peace of mind from the four leggeds. . . .

No peer pressure

 No stress

Just friendship....

rolling in the mud......

Smiles ......

nom noming food....



and playing with toys that were just made.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012


 Repurposed wood +

time +

 pencil +

 sharpie  +

 paint +

more paint +

even more paint +

some more paint +


sharpie +

 =   HOPE

Moral of the story...... No matter how it looks........HOPE is never lost.

Monday, October 29, 2012


So after making the best cat scratch/perch ever.....
I went to see Liam.....he's not very happy having to stay in his stall.
The winds have picked up and the rain has begun. I'm glad i grew up in Texas, and know what to expect from a hurricane..... the four- leggeds don't seem to understand what's going on though.
Chloe......doesn't care for the wind.
But she can really put on a brave face, in order to make Tweak feel better
LB only cares about food......
and somehow Charlie's radioactive ......
.......Shortly after getting back from tucking Liam in, we lost power. The fireplace is roaring and the four-leggeds seem content.
It's rather funny how the world seems to stop when you lose power, yet the animals are unphased.....if anything, it seems as if they think this is just another cuddle hour, blackout style. 
I must say farewell.....since my laptop battery is dwindling.
Stay safe


So as the storm approaches I'm tempted to go play outside

There's eighteen acres at my fingertips......

alas I'll get to work. I've got a few projects I'd really like to wrap up today. 

I need to turn these.......

and these into cat toys.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Horsing Around

Meet Liam. He's an eleven year old off the track thoroughbred. Liam came into my life over a year ago. 

I'm a born and raised Texan, but for the past five years I've been living all over New York. After giving up a very good job in the city (due to the whole NYC life that this lil Texan couldn't digest) I ended up on a horse farm in upstate NY where I met my best friend Liam. 

After winning quite a bit of money in fifty seven races all over Florida, Liam was auctioned off. He somehow ended up in New York, and then went to a family that I guess just forgot to feed him.


When he came to the farm, he was emaciated, and his spirit was broken. My heart bled for this creature, but I tried not to get too attached..EPIC FAIL. It took months to get the weight back on him, and many months after that to get him to a place where he felt comfortable with me touching him. I worked with him daily, often multiple times a day. The goal was to help him understand........not all people are bad, and that not all people will hurt you. 

In August of 2012 my roommate and I paid the final payments and Liam became another member of the mismatched FourLeggedFriendship crew.  


The rest of the members of our crew are....


Our fearless leader Chloe.....who sometimes rules with an iron claw.
Second in command, is Tweak.
The Muscle, Charlie 
The newest ten legged/honorary "four legged" member of our crew, Mr. Hercules Montague Crabs

Last, but certainly not least, The team mascot.....LB

Now that you have met the crew, I'll explain our purpose. Life is a beautiful gift. We are given the chance to make friendships of all different kinds. Some for a lifetime, and others if but for a moment in time. My hope, is to chronicle our misadventures together and the journey of starting my own business.

Let the fun begin......